Sunday, October 12, 2008

10 Artist Heroes:

1. Nikki McClure: 
style- graphic design, she uses black paper and ink to create flat stencil like drawings. All her work is done u
sing positive and negative space, with the addition of only one other color. Similarities in her works are the color schemes, her art almost always has a human or animal, and often there is a word/phrase to summarize the piece. 

2. Otto Mueller:
style-expressionist, he usually painted using the human form as his inspiration. His art was most often acrylic/oils on canvas, but he was a print maker as well. Nudity and women were common subjects for his art, as well as putting them in nature and in pairs. I like his use of line and space. 

3. Andy Warhol:
style- pop art, I like the use of color that Warhol
 uses. He liked to repeat his prints, and would use most often simple objects like a soup can or famous people as the subject. His composition was always very basic, usually centered. His technique involved using silkscreens with ink, and then adding acrylic to the canvas later. 

4. Leroy Neiman: 
He is best known for his bright colored, energetic i
mages of sporting events and leisure activities. He not only uses a wide array of colors and many layers. His art is amazing because up close it looks messy and scattered, but if you step back it all comes together to create these images with unique and interesting compositions. 


5. Mark Erickson:
His technique is sort of similar to Neiman's, in that they use a lot of color and layers of paint. Erickson's work is abstract and he uses oils on canvas or steel. I prefer his older art, and how he works with the paint on the canvas to create dimension and the illusion of depth to the flat canvas. 

6. Monroe Hodder:
This is an artist i discovered during our field trip. She is an abstract artist who uses oils and acrylics on canvas. All her paintings use a lot of color and are inspired somehow my
 landscapes. She uses a lot of horizontal lines and sometimes squares to make blocks of color.

7. Eli Halpin:
Oil on wood is the most common media for this artist. Koi, giraffes, birds, desserts, and sometimes people are common subjects for the paintings. I like the way the artist uses the paint
 (mixing of shades and colors), the little circles that are used, and sometimes glitter is a media. They are simple, but have interesting compositions.

8. Werner Berges:
Three commons things about this artist's art is that they have a posterize effect which is really its appeal. I like the use and positive and negative spaces, with the addition of a pattern or color. Again like the rest it is acrylic on canvas, but this would be the type of self portrait i would be interesting in doing for my portfolio. 

9. NO specific artist but i like vintage posters, and a lot of my ideas for sketchbooks come from that. Like always they are appealing to me because they are bold and simple. I like the old ads and posters mostly of food/drink ads or travel. Like the old orangina and Guinness ads, some sort of have the Toulouse inspiration. I like to add text to art, and these posters do a good job of mixing the image with the text. 

10. Black and White photography
Since all the art i like is all about color. I like the contrast that black and white photography gives. Its a good way to focus on the object and implies a lot of emoiton, by taking away all the color which can be distracting. 

Summary:I love paintings that are simple and have bold colors!!